Normal ways to cure insomnia
Everyone needs a healthy sleep, if you have sleeping problems the following ways will help to get a nice sleep everyday.
Feng shui is more than just decorating you’re space in a visually
appealing way; it’s a full philosophy that instructs on how to arrange
your room, furniture, office, etc. to maximize good energy flow
throughout living spaces. Here are a few tips for improving the Feng
shui of your bedroom to help you get the most of a good night’s rest:
You will need…
-1 tsp of dried valerian root
-strainer or infusion device, such as a tea ball
-8 oz. fresh water to boil
-8 oz. fresh water, hot from the tap
How to prepare
Fill either the mug you wish to steep your tea in with the hot tap water to get it warmed up (warming it up like this can help keep your tea toasty for longer.) Put 1 tsp of valerian root in your infusion device-if you are steeping the root loose, wait to do anything with it. Boil 8 oz. of water in your kettle, remove from heat, and empty your mug of the hot tap water. Place your infusion device or the loose root in your mug, and pour the hot water over it. Cover and steep for 15 minutes. Uncover, remove device or strain, and get ready to enjoy a peaceful night. Add milk or honey if you’d like for flavor.
Acupuncture is one of the main components in traditional Chinese
medicine (TMC), and one of the oldest healing practices in the world. It
is thought that stimulating specific points corrects the balance of
energy or the life force by opening up channels called meridians, which
close off when stress inflames and contracts vessels. The thin needles,
upon insertion, open up these blocked channels and allow your brain to
better understand that it’s time to go to sleep. It also signals the
release of neuro-endocrine chemicals (like tryptophan/melatonin) to help
you fall asleep and stay asleep.
Humans are funny creatures of habit, and our bodies usually work
quite well when something is done ritualistically. For example,
exercising randomly every few days won’t do much, but exercising every
day for 30 minutes will over time make a huge difference. The same thing
goes for sleep. Establish a calming ritual that you do every night
before crawling in bed, and you will probably find it easier to
transition from being awake to being sleep. The ritual is also a time to
relax and let go of stress and thoughts that crowd your head and keep
you up.
Some ideas include…
– Drinking a cup of warm tea a half an hour before bed
– Doing a series of gentle stretches
– Reading 1 chapter exactly of a book every night
Take a warm bath: There’s nothing quite like sinking into a warm tub to wash the stress of everyday life away and it also feels great to crawl into bed nice and clean. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil (lavender is great) to get the soothing benefits of aromatherapy as well.
Sip something: Making up a nightly drink to help you fall asleep has the double benefits of the drink itself lulling you off to dreamland, and the ritual of drinking it which tells your brain and body “ok, it’s time to relax.” Doing something like reading while you drink your night time beverage adds a nice dimension to this habit.
Meditate: Take some time before you crawl in bed to meditate and clear your mind of cluttering thoughts. Thinking too much, as we all know, can keep you awake for hours as you churn over the same thoughts again and again. Getting a good night’s rest is not just about your body-with how complex our thinking process is, our minds need just as much help (if not more) to get ready for bed.
Bananas: I remember before a solo I had to do in band class, my teacher told me to eat a banana 30 minutes beforehand, because they helped calm you down. I think it must have done something because my solo got an honorable mention, and I never do well performing under pressure. Bananas contain tryptophan, and potassium and magnesium as well, which are muscle relaxants. Have one a half-an-hour before bed every night and up your magnesium levels while simultaneously relaxing your muscles.
Exercise on a regular basis, and you will sleep better. Not only will
you sleep better, but you’ll have more energy when you’re awake-and not
just because you slept better, but because exercise has a weird way of
helping us go to sleep and giving us more energy. For this reason, don’t
work out right before bed, or you’ll likely end up more awake.
You will need…
-A rounded ¼ cup of fresh chamomile flowers OR 2 rounded tablespoons of dry flowers
-Honey (optional)
-Milk (optional)
-Freshly squeezed lemon juice (optional)
There’s nothing quite as delightful as a cup of freshly brewed chamomile on a chilly night as you settle in for bed. If possible, try to use fresh flowers (German variety, preferably) but you can use dried as well if you cannot harvest fresh.
If you’re using fresh flowers, use only the flower heads and compost the stems. Place the flowers in a teapot, and in a separate pot bring 4 cups of cold water to a rolling boil. Pour the water in the pot over the flower in the tea pot. Let steep for 5-6 minutes and serve hot. Do the same process for dried as for fresh, but use 2 rounded tablespoons of dried flowers. Add a little bit of honey and milk to taste. Squeeze in the juice of a freshly sliced lemon to taste as well.
Aromatherapy has a number of different uses, but is perhaps used most
often for relaxing or creating a sense of drowsiness. Numerous studies
have resulted in science giving a nod to the validity of aromatherapy.
People who were exposed to the scent of lavender in the trials
experienced better moods, and one study followed brain activity with an
EEG machine, which showed the subjects undergoing lavender aromatherapy
did in fact show brainwaves suggesting drowsiness, while other scents
increased alertness. If you find yourself having a hard time drifting
off at night, try making a lavender sleep sachet to stash under your pillow or on a bedside table to help you relax and drift off.
1. Drink Tart Cherry Juice
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tart cherry juice |
A ½ cup to a 1 cup of tart cherry juice is a tasty way to drift off to sleep, and is a natural sleep aid that I personally think really helps. Tart cherry juice is a natural sleep aid because it’s full of tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that coverts to serotonin, which then coverts to melatonin. Melatonin helps maintain our sleep and wake cycle by causing drowsiness and lowers body temperature, working with the central nervous system to sync our biological clock. Its production is inhibited by light, but released in low light/darkness.
2. Improve your bed room (feng shui)
bed room |
- Keep your bed easily accessible and approachable from all sides.
- Make the energy in the room fresh and help it flow by keeping the air pure, preferably with open windows. Also try to have several windows to allow in natural light.
- Have the bed positioned in such a way that you can see the door. Not being able to see the entrance to your bedroom can create a feeling of anxiety.
- Keep the room neat and clean with a balanced look and feel. Clutter and trash stresses you out and represents unfinished business, which can prevent you from really resting well in your room. On that note, it can also affect your sex life
3. Valerian remedy
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Valerian |
Valerian is a hardy plant whose roots are used in a number of ways as a sedative and sleep aid. It is thought to work by increasing the amount of GABA (gamma aminobutryic acid) which helps regulate the action of nerve cells and has a calming effect. Because of its calming effect, it is also extremely popular as a natural anxiety remedy-prescription anxiety medication also increase GABA, albeit much more than valerian. It’s easy to brew up a cup of tea, but if you find the odor too strong, it is also available in capsule form.
You will need…
-1 tsp of dried valerian root
-strainer or infusion device, such as a tea ball
-8 oz. fresh water to boil
-8 oz. fresh water, hot from the tap
How to prepare
Fill either the mug you wish to steep your tea in with the hot tap water to get it warmed up (warming it up like this can help keep your tea toasty for longer.) Put 1 tsp of valerian root in your infusion device-if you are steeping the root loose, wait to do anything with it. Boil 8 oz. of water in your kettle, remove from heat, and empty your mug of the hot tap water. Place your infusion device or the loose root in your mug, and pour the hot water over it. Cover and steep for 15 minutes. Uncover, remove device or strain, and get ready to enjoy a peaceful night. Add milk or honey if you’d like for flavor.
4. Get Acupuncture
5. Make Your Bedroom Your Bedroom
Your bedroom is a place of rest. It is your retreat to restore your mind and body by sleeping. It is not a place to watch T.V., or a second office. If you have them, the computer and T.V. have to go. They not only keep you awake, but they don’t give a sense of relaxation. They carry stress into your room, and stress does not help you sleep.6. Stick to a Schedule, Establish a Ritual, and Keep a Diary
Some ideas include…
– Drinking a cup of warm tea a half an hour before bed
– Doing a series of gentle stretches
– Reading 1 chapter exactly of a book every night
Take a warm bath: There’s nothing quite like sinking into a warm tub to wash the stress of everyday life away and it also feels great to crawl into bed nice and clean. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil (lavender is great) to get the soothing benefits of aromatherapy as well.
Sip something: Making up a nightly drink to help you fall asleep has the double benefits of the drink itself lulling you off to dreamland, and the ritual of drinking it which tells your brain and body “ok, it’s time to relax.” Doing something like reading while you drink your night time beverage adds a nice dimension to this habit.
Meditate: Take some time before you crawl in bed to meditate and clear your mind of cluttering thoughts. Thinking too much, as we all know, can keep you awake for hours as you churn over the same thoughts again and again. Getting a good night’s rest is not just about your body-with how complex our thinking process is, our minds need just as much help (if not more) to get ready for bed.
7. Get More Melatonin
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Melatonin remedy |
This chemical is oh-so-important to sleep, but our body needs outside sources to get it. While it can be taken as a natural supplement in pill form, here are some foods that will help boost production. Cherries: Not too hard to guess since cherry juice was one of the first things listed, but they also contain tryptophan which is metabolized into serotonin and finally melatonin.
Bananas: I remember before a solo I had to do in band class, my teacher told me to eat a banana 30 minutes beforehand, because they helped calm you down. I think it must have done something because my solo got an honorable mention, and I never do well performing under pressure. Bananas contain tryptophan, and potassium and magnesium as well, which are muscle relaxants. Have one a half-an-hour before bed every night and up your magnesium levels while simultaneously relaxing your muscles.
8. Exercise
9. Drink a Cup of Chamomile
camomile tea |
Chamomile has long been a reliable remedy for helping people doze off. It relaxes your muscles, and is thought that, potentially, a substance called apigenin can bind to GABA receptors which affect the central nervous system and sleepiness. Other studies have disagreed with apegign theory, and think other constituents in the chamomile are what act as a sedative. Either way, it’s tasty and it makes you tired. You can, of course, buy chamomile tea from the store, but I personally love it fresh as well.
You will need…
-A rounded ¼ cup of fresh chamomile flowers OR 2 rounded tablespoons of dry flowers
-Honey (optional)
-Milk (optional)
-Freshly squeezed lemon juice (optional)
There’s nothing quite as delightful as a cup of freshly brewed chamomile on a chilly night as you settle in for bed. If possible, try to use fresh flowers (German variety, preferably) but you can use dried as well if you cannot harvest fresh.
If you’re using fresh flowers, use only the flower heads and compost the stems. Place the flowers in a teapot, and in a separate pot bring 4 cups of cold water to a rolling boil. Pour the water in the pot over the flower in the tea pot. Let steep for 5-6 minutes and serve hot. Do the same process for dried as for fresh, but use 2 rounded tablespoons of dried flowers. Add a little bit of honey and milk to taste. Squeeze in the juice of a freshly sliced lemon to taste as well.
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